Category:World War II aircraft carriers of the United States
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[[Commons: Category:World War II aircraft carriers of the United States
| World War II aircraft carriers of the United States
]]- This category is for aircraft carriers designed, built, or operated by the United States during World War II (1939–1945).
cs:Kategorie:Americké letadlové lodě ve druhé světové válce
da:Kategori:Hangarskibe fra 2. verdenskrig fra USA
es:Categoría:Portaaviones estadounidenses de la Segunda Guerra Mundial
ko:분류:제2차 세계 대전의 미국 항공모함
pl:Kategoria:Amerykańskie lotniskowce z okresu II wojny światowej
sl:Kategorija:Ameriške letalonosilke druge svetovne vojne
This category has only the following subcategory.