Knickerbocker Sailing Association

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Burgee of Knickerbocker Sailing Association.

Often referred to as KSA, the Knickerbocker Sailing Association is a members club set up by and for gay and lesbian sailors in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Rhode Island since 1994.

KSA brings together men and women who want to share the excitement of boating in a comfortable, gay-friendly environment.

As of April 2006, KSA had 123 members of all ages. Its fleet included 40 boats — 37 sailboats and 3 powerboats. While some members have impressive sailing experience, no sailing experience is necessary to join.

KSA began with an inaugural trip in August 1994. 13 gay men met in Jersey City for a sail aboard a 38-foot Irwin cruiser. They set out just before twilight into New York Harbor, slipped beneath the Verrazano Narrows bridge and returned to the Battery as the bright lights of the Trade Center reflected on the water all around them.

They came together that night as strangers, with only the love of boating in common. Three hours later they were all laughing, reminiscing, camping and sharing some wonderful food, returning to the dock late that night amid lots of hugs and kisses, knowing this was the start of something very exciting that could never have happened a decade earlier.

KSA is the organiser of the Annual Stonewall Sails Regatta, an official event of New York's Heritage of Pride's Gay Pride Week.
