Timeline of the sinking of RMS Titanic
The timeline of the sinking of RMS Titanic details the events of the night of Sunday 14 April 1912, and into the early hours of the following day, which saw the loss of the ocean liner Titanic, one of the worst peacetime maritime disasters in history.
At the time of the disaster, Titanic was approximately two-thirds of the way through her Atlantic crossing bound for New York, having left Southampton, England, on 10 April. Many of the times are imprecisely known, since they occurred near midnight when timepieces were to be adjusted.
On the night of the sinking, at 23:40, Titanic struck an iceberg. Just after midnight, preparations for evacuation began. Two and a half hours later, Titanic finally submerged. It was not until 04:00 that the first rescue occurred, with the arrival of the Carpathia.
13:45 – Iceberg warnings
On the night of Sunday, 14 April 1912 the temperature had dropped to near freezing and the ocean was completely calm. There were six iceberg warnings for the area that the Titanic was heading to, however, the captain decided to ignore all six until he received the seventh one. Second Officer Charles Lightoller later wrote, "the sea was like glass." There was no moon and the sky was clear. Captain Edward Smith, perhaps in response to iceberg warnings received by wireless over the previous few days, had altered the Titanic's course around 10 miles (16 km) south of the normal shipping route. That Sunday at 13:45, a message from the steamer SS Amerika warned that large icebergs lay south of the Titanic's path but the warning was addressed to the USN Hydrographic Office and was never relayed to the bridge. Iceberg warnings were received throughout the day but were quite normal for the time of year. Later that evening at 21:30, another report of numerous large icebergs in the Titanic's path was received by Jack Phillips and Harold Bride in the radio room, this time from the Mesaba, but this report also failed to reach the bridge.[1] Although there were warnings, the captain found no operational or safety reasons to slow down or alter course further. The Titanic had three teams of two lookouts high up in the crow's nest who were rotated every two hours and, on any other night, it is almost certain they would have seen the iceberg in time. However, a combination of factors came into play, and with no moon, no wind, no binoculars, and the dark side of the berg facing the ship, the lookouts were powerless. As Lightoller stated at the British inquiry, "Everything was against us." [2]
23:40 – "Iceberg, right ahead!"
Sighting of the Iceberg
At 11:40, while sailing south off the Grand Banks of Newfoundland, lookouts Frederick Fleet and Reginald Lee spotted a large iceberg straight in front of the ship. Fleet sounded the ship's bell three times and telephoned the bridge. Sixth Officer James Moody answered. "Is there anyone there?!" shouted Fleet. "Yes, what do you see?" replied Moody. "Iceberg, right ahead!" cried Fleet. "Thank you" was Moody's reply before informing First Officer William Murdoch (the senior officer on duty on the bridge at the time) of the call.
Murdoch's orders
There are varying accounts as to what orders First Officer Murdoch gave in order to avoid collision with the iceberg. It is generally agreed that he gave an order of "Hard a'starboard" (an order which, through rotation of the ship's wheel, would work to move the ship's tiller all the way to the starboard (right) side of the ship) in an attempt turn the ship to port (left).[4] Murdoch is reported to have set the ship's telegraphs to "Full Astern" by Fourth Officer Joseph Boxhall, who saw them at that setting when he entered the bridge some time during the accident. Boxhall’s testimony was contradicted by Greaser Frederick Scott, who stated that the engine-room telegraphs showed "Stop", and by Leading Stoker Frederick Barrett who stated that the stoking indicators went from “Full” to “Stop”[5]. During or right before the collision Murdoch may have also given an order (as heard by Quartermaster Alfred Olliver when he walked on to the bridge in the middle of the collision) of "Hard a'port" [6] (moving the tiller all the way to the port (left) side turning the ship to starboard (right)) in what may have been an attempt to swing the remainder (aft section) of the ship away from the berg in a common manoeuvre called a "port around"[7] (this could explain Murdoch's comment to the captain "I intended to port around it"). The fact that such a manoeuvre was executed was supported by other crew members who testified that the stern of the ship never hit the berg.[8] Quartermaster Robert Hichens, who was at the helm, and Fourth Officer Joseph Boxhall, who may or may not have been on the bridge during the collision,[9] both stated that the last command Murdoch gave Hichens was "Hard-a-starboard!".[10][11]
The collision
The ship made its fatal collision at an estimated 37 seconds[12] after Fleet sighted the berg. The ship's starboard (right) side scraped the iceberg, buckling the hull in several places and causing rivets to pop out below the waterline, opening the first five compartments (the forward peak tank, the three forward holds and Boiler Room 6) to the sea.[13] Although pumps in the sixth compartment (Boiler Room 5) were able to pump the water out as fast as it came in, the first five were riddled with small holes amounting to an area of about 12 square feet (1.1 m2).[14] As the forward compartments filled, the watertight doors closed. Titanic could stay afloat with the first four compartments flooded, but the ship had already taken on water in five compartments, and a sixth was beginning to flood. Captain Smith, alerted by the jolt of the impact, ordered "all-stop" once he arrived on the bridge. Within ten minutes of the collision the five forward compartments were flooded to a depth of 14 feet (4.3 m). Following an inspection by the ship's senior officers, the ship's carpenter J. Hutchinson and Thomas Andrews, which included a survey of the half-flooded two-deck postal room, it was apparent that the Titanic would sink. Andrews estimated the great ship had an hour to an hour and a half, and said that the pumps would only keep the Titanic afloat for a few extra minutes. The pumps could only cope with 2,000 tons of water per hour, but that quantity was flooding into the liner every five minutes. Before the clock hit midnight the forward third-class sections were beginning to flood. At 00:05, 25 minutes after the collision, Captain Smith ordered all the lifeboats uncovered; five minutes later, at 00:10, he ordered them to be swung out; then, at 00:25, he ordered them to be loaded with women and children and then lowered away. At 00:50, 4th Officer Joseph Boxhall fired the first white distress rocket.
A first-class passenger, Edith Louise Rosenbaum Russell, witnessed the immediate aftermath of the collision:
Just before going to my state room, A11, there was a bump. As I turned the handle of my room [door] there was another bump. As I got into my room, there was a third bump. One of these bumps... like little pushes, nothing violent. I slipped on a coat over my white satin evening dress, and went right out from my own state room because my state room had a door leading to the promenade deck. As I got out onto the promenade deck, I saw a large grey, what looked to me like a building, floating by. But that "building" kept bumping along the rail, and as it bumped it sliced off bits of ice fell all over the deck. We just picked up the ice and started playing snow balls. We thought it was fun. We asked the officers if there was any danger, and they said, "Oh, no, nothing at all, nothing at all, nothing at all." Just a mere nothing. We just hit an iceberg."[15]
00:45 – First lifeboat lowered
Before his death, Charles Lightoller gave an interview, describing his encounter with Captain Smith, just before the first lifeboats were lowered:
When the boats were stripped and cleared, they were swung out, lowered to the level of the boat deck. Just a little while before they were ready to swing out, I happened to meet the Captain, and I asked him, by cupping my hands over his ears, and yelling at the top of my voice, "Hadn't we better get the women and children into the boats, sir?" He just nodded. So I started to fill the first boat.[16]
The first lifeboat launched, Lifeboat #7, was lowered at around 00:45, on the starboard side, with only 28 people (26 of whom were first-class passengers) on board out of a maximum capacity of 65. The Titanic carried 20 lifeboats with a total capacity of 1,178 for the ship's total complement of passengers and crew of 2,222. Sixteen lifeboats, indicated by number, were in the davits; and four canvas-sided collapsibles, indicated by letter, were stowed on the roof of the officers' quarters or on the forward Boat Deck to be launched in empty davits. With only enough space for a little more than half the passengers and crew, the Titanic carried more boats than required by the Board of Trade. At the time, the number of lifeboats required was determined by a ship's gross tonnage, rather than its human capacity. The regulations concerning lifeboat capacity had last been updated in 1894, when the largest ships afloat measured approximately 10,000 tons, compared to the Titanic's 46,328 tons. First and second-class passengers had easy access to the lifeboats with staircases that led right up to the boat deck, but third-class passengers found it much harder. Many found the corridors leading from the lower sections of the ship difficult to navigate and had trouble making their way up to the lifeboats. Some gates separating the third-class section of the ship from the other areas, like the one leading from the aft well deck to the second-class section, are known to have been locked. While the majority of first and second-class women and children survived the sinking, more third-class women and children were lost than saved. The locked third-class gates were the result of miscommunication between the boat deck and F-G decks. Lifeboats were supposed to be lowered with women and children from the boat deck and then subsequently to pick up F-G Deck women and children from open gangways. Unfortunately, with no boat drill or training for the seamen, the boats were simply lowered into the water without stopping. As a result of the segregation of third class, only one of the 29 children travelling in first and second-class (Lorraine Allison, a two year-old Canadian girl) perished in the disaster, compared to 53 of the 76 travelling in third.
At 01:10, Lifeboat #8 departed the port side of the ship with only 28 occupants out of a capacity of 65. When Lifeboat #9 (with the same capacity as #8) evacuated the ship at 01:20, a mere ten minutes later, it carried 56.
The scene on the boat deck became more chaotic as the moments passed. At 01:25, Lifeboat #11 was lowered down the starboard side overloaded with 70 passengers and crew. It was almost swamped as it reached the sea as it was lowered next to a discharge pipe where pumps were desperately trying to expel water from the ship and buy more time. Crewmen were able to use the oars to push the boat out of the way only seconds before touching the ocean. Ten minutes later Lifeboats #13 and #15 were lowered one after another, each at capacity. The water being spat out of the discharge pipe pushed #13 aft, directly below the rapidly descending #15. Crewmen frantically severed the ropes that had lowered #13 and were able to manoeuvre it out of the way with only seconds to spare. Around this time, Lifeboat #14 was lowered on the port side, with Fifth Officer Harold Lowe in charge. As the boat began its descent Lowe was forced to fire his gun along the side of the ship to deter passengers on the boat deck from jumping in. By 01:35, as Lifeboats #15 and #16 abandoned the ship, all of the boats in the second-class portion of the boat deck were gone. Six lifeboats remained on the ship, all in first-class, with a combined capacity of 293 for the estimated 1,800 people who remained on the ship. Lifeboats collapsible C and D were the last ones to leave the ship. Collapsible C left at around 02:00 A.M, closely followed by Collapsible D five minutes later. These boats were the closest to the ship as it foundered. Lifeboat #4 (the boat launched before Collapsible C) picked up those who were caught in the freezing ocean.[17]
A turning point came at 01:40, when the place where a bow anchor would go dipped underwater. This allowed the frigid water to flood the rest of the bow which was until that time dry.
By 01:45, the ship's forecastle and forward well decks were underwater and the forward A Deck promenade was barely ten feet above the surface. Around this time, passengers on the deck were greeted with the strange sight of dogs running up and down the deck, including John Jacob Astor's beloved Airedale Terrier, Kitty. The Titanic was equipped with a kennel, and a crewman had unlocked it, figuring there was no point in leaving all the dogs the passengers had brought on board to die locked up.
The wreck was found at 41°44′N 49°57′W / 41.733°N 49.95°W.
Wireless operators Jack Phillips and Harold Bride were busy sending out distress signals. The message was initially "CQD-MGY, sinking, need immediate assistance," later interspersed with the newer "SOS" at the suggestion of Bride (CQD was still a widely understood distress signal at the time, and MGY was the Titanic's call sign). Several ships responded, including the Mount Temple, Frankfurt, and the Titanic's sister ship, Olympic, but none was close enough to make it in time. The Olympic was over 500 nautical miles (930 km) away. The closest ship to respond was the Cunard Line's RMS Carpathia, and at 58 nautical miles (107 km) away it would arrive in about four hours, still too late to get to the Titanic in time. Two land–based locations received the distress call from the Titanic. One was the wireless station at Cape Race, Newfoundland, and the other was a Marconi telegraph station on top of the Wanamaker's department store in New York City. Shortly after the distress signal was sent, a radio drama ensued as the signals were transmitted from ship to ship, through Halifax to New York, throughout the country. People began to show up at White Star Line offices in New York almost immediately.
00:30–04:30 – Thwarted rescue attempt by Mount Temple
The actions of the S.S. Mount Temple are frequently underplayed in written accounts.[citation needed] This ship received the first distress signal at 00:30 when it was an estimated 49 miles away; Captain Moore immediately turned his ship around and proceeded at the ship's maximum possible speed (11.5 knots) with the stokers working flat out, to the location given by the Titanic, but on arrival at the given position at 04:30 found no ship and was facing an impenetrable wall of ice; it was subsequently shown that the position given by the Titanic was eight miles out, and that it was probably located on the other side of that ice floe. Had Titanic been where stated, Mount Temple would have been the first vessel to arrive, albeit still only after her sinking. Messages from the Titanic were received by the Mount Temple radio operator John Oscar Durrant (1892-c1962); these were relayed to Halifax, and Durrant appeared at the subsequent inquiry in Halifax to give evidence.
The nearby "unknown" ship and others that failed to respond
From the bridge, the lights of a ship could be seen off the starboard side approximately 10–15 miles away. Since it was not responding to wireless, nor to the distress rockets being launched every fifteen minutes or so, Fourth Officer Boxhall and Quartermaster George Rowe attempted signalling the ship with a Morse lamp, but the ship never appeared to respond. There has been much speculation about this unknown ship. At the public enquiries, Captain Moore of the S.S. Mount Temple and Captain Rostron of the S.S. Carpathia each gave independent evidence that they had sighted the lights of a vessel, in the general vicinity, during the hours of darkness. There is no certainty that they sighted the same vessel but both of them judged the lights to be those of a sailing ship. Both Rostron and Moore also gave evidence that, later, when daylight came on 15 April, they saw a steamship in the vicinity which they identified as having two masts and one funnel. (For reference; the S.S. Californian had four masts.)
The SS Californian was nearby but had stopped for the night because of ice, and its wireless was turned off because the wireless operator had gone to bed for the night. The Titanic's wireless set had broken down earlier that day and Phillips and Bride had spent most of the day fixing it. As a result, they were extremely backlogged in their sending of messages. Finally, with the set fixed and a strong signal available from the Halifax station, Phillips was getting some work done. Just before he went to bed at around 23:00, the Californian's radio operator Cyril Evans attempted to warn the Titanic that there was a large field of ice ahead, but he was cut off by Jack Phillips, who sent back, "Shut up! Shut up! I am busy! I am working Cape Race!"
Third Officer C.V. Groves of the Californian had observed a ship approaching at around 23:00; he thought it might be a passenger ship but Captain Stanley Lord disagreed because the ship did not appear to have the large number of lights which were characteristic of passenger vessels. Later, they observed that the ship appeared to stop. Then, after midnight, both Second Officer Herbert Stone and deck apprentice James Gibson observed rockets in the direction of the unidentified ship and informed Captain Lord. The rockets Titanic sent up had the colour of distress rockets for the White Star Line, but because of a lack of uniformity in Naval regulations at that time, Captain Lord was confused and did not know they were distress rockets. He said, "Keep watching it" and he went back to sleep. Even though there was discussion about the rockets and the unidentified ship, which the officers on duty thought to be moving away before finally disappearing, they did not take any decisive action to waken the Captain Lord or Chief Officer George Stewart, or the wireless operator Evans until the change of watch at four in the morning.
Another possibility that emerged in the 1960s was that the nearby "unknown" ship may have been a sealer called the Samson which was sealing illegally on the night of 14 April 1912.[18] However, this was rapidly debunked, as the Samson was too small to have been mistaken for a vessel the size of the Californian, its logbook mentioned Cape Hatteras and the crew's fear that they were in American territorial waters, plus it was supposed to be travelling to the south-west – well away from the location of the sinking of the Titanic. Finally the Samson was recorded as being in Iceland on April 6 and again on April 20. Given the vessel's size and maximum speed of six knots, it was not physically possible to have been close to where the Titanic sank between these two dates.[19]
02:00 – Waterline reaches forward boat deck
At first, passengers were reluctant to leave the warm, well lit and ostensibly safe Titanic, which showed no outward signs of being in imminent danger, and board small, unlit, open lifeboats. This was one of the reasons most of the boats were launched partially empty: it was perhaps hoped that many people would jump into the water and swim to the boats. Also important was an uncertainty regarding the boats' structural integrity; it was also feared that the boats might collapse if they were fully loaded before being set in the water, despite being tested with a weight of 70 men. Captain Smith ordered the lifeboats be lowered half empty in the hope the boats would come back to save people in the water, and some boats were given orders to do just that. One boat, boat #1, meant to hold 40 people, left the Titanic with only 12 people on board. It was rumored that Sir Cosmo and Lady Duff Gordon bribed the two able seamen and five firemen to take them and their three companions off the ship. This rumor was later proven false. J. Bruce Ismay, managing director of the White Star Line, left on Lifeboat Collapsible C and was criticised by both the American and British Inquiries for not going down with the ship. Other passengers, including Father Thomas Byles and Margaret Brown, helped the women and children into lifeboats.[20][21] Brown was finally forced into a boat, and she would survive. Byles would not.
As the ship's tilt became more apparent, people started to become nervous, and some lifeboats began leaving with more passengers. "Women and children first" remained the imperative (see origin of phrase) for loading the boats. The order "women and children first" was given by Captain Smith. It was intended that women and children would be loaded into lifeboats first, and any remaining positions, if available, be allocated to men. In certain circumstances, particularly in the lifeboats overseen by Second Officer Lightoller, this order was translated as women and children only. It should also be noted that over half of the third-class women perished, even though nearly all of the women in first and second class survived.[22]
At 02:05, the waterline reached the bottom of the bridge rail. All the lifeboats, save for the awkwardly located Collapsibles A, and B, had been lowered. Collapsible D, with 3 seats to spare, was the last lifeboat to be lowered from the davits. The total number of vacancies was 466.
02:05 – Propellers exposed
At this point, Titanic's bronze propellers began to rise above the water line. Water was beginning to flood the forward boat deck by entering through the crew hatches on the bridge. At this time, Captain Smith released wireless operators Harold Bride and Jack Phillips from their duties. Bride went to their adjoining quarters to gather up their spare money, as Phillips continued working. When Bride returned, he found a fireman unfastening Phillips' life belt, attempting to steal it without Phillips noticing him. Bride grabbed the fireman, and then the three of them wrestled around in the small room for a few seconds. At one point, Bride grabbed the man by the waist, while Phillips punched him until he finally fell to the floor unconscious. Seeing water now entering the room, Phillips and Bride grabbed their caps and dashed out on deck, where Bride helped with Collapsible B and Phillips ran aft.
The last two lifeboats floated right off the deck as the icy Atlantic reached them: Collapsible A half-filled with water and Collapsible B upside down with at least 30 men clinging to it. Captain Smith stood his post on the bridge and was either trapped inside the wheelhouse as the ship went down or was washed clear into the icy sea. Shortly afterwards, the first funnel fell forward, crushing part of the starboard bridge wing, also killing many people struggling in the water, including Charles Williams, Chief Purser Hugh McElroy, and possibly John Jacob Astor IV. On deck, people scrambled towards the stern or jumped overboard in hopes of reaching a lifeboat. Inside, water crashed through windows dragging people inside the rapidly sinking ship. Moments later as the grand staircase flooded, the glass dome over the staircase imploded with tons of water engulfing the elegant first-class grand staircase, and everyone in it. Father Byles spent his final moments alive reciting the rosary and other prayers, hearing confessions, and giving absolutions to the dozens of people who huddled around him.[23] The ship's stern rose to about 15 to 35 degrees, until 02:18 when the electrical system failed and the lights, which had burned brightly throughout the whole time, flickered once and then went out permanently. The Titanic's second funnel then broke off and fell into the water, crushing dozens more people in the water, possibly including John Jacob Astor IV. (Although the second funnel has often been presumed and depicted as staying on the ship until it goes underwater, this would be impossible because none of the funnels would be able to stand the pressure the water had on the ship. At the breaking point, about a quarter of the second funnel was underwater with the other three quarters above the surface. The first funnel was in the same position at the time of its detaching.)
02:20 – Titanic's final plunge
At approximately 02:18, a few seconds after all electrical power failed on the ship, the superstructure underneath the third funnel completely split causing Titanic to split in half crushing hundreds of people.[24] Between the third and fourth funnels near the aft expansion joint, and the bow section went completely under. The third funnel collapsed shortly after the breakup as the bow sank, and the fourth funnel fell soon after as the stern sank. The stern section was pulled up again by the sinking bow and heavy engines. The stern reached a high angle and surfaced from the water. The stern was reported to have tipped far on its port side as it began to sink, even turning around on the spot. Some reported cries from lifeboats that the ship had returned (shouting, "Look! The men are saved!"). However, after a few moments, the stern section also slid into the icy waters of the North Atlantic, two hours and 40 minutes after the collision with the iceberg. 1,589 people were sunk with the ship. The fleet of lifeboats carried 706 people, short of their maximum capacity of 1,178.
The White Star Line attempted to persuade surviving crewmen not to state that the hull broke in half. The company believed that this information would cast doubts upon the integrity of their vessels. However, many believe the stresses inflicted on the hull when it was at 12 degrees to the sea line (bow down and stern in the air) were beyond the design limits of the structure, and 45 degrees proved to be the breaking point, and no legitimate engineer could have fairly criticised the work of the shipbuilders in that regard.[25]
Category | Number aboard | Number of survivors | Percentage survived | Number lost | Percentage lost |
First class | 324 | 199 | 60.5 % | 130 | 39.5 % |
Second class | 286 | 119 | 43.8 % | 153 | 56.2 % |
Third class | 708 | 174 | 24.5 % | 536 | 75.5 % |
Crew | 905 | 212 | 23.6 % | 685 | 76.4 % |
Total | 2,223 | 705
31.9 % | 1,518 | 68.1 % |
Of a total of 2,222 people, only 711 survived the initial sinking. At least one passenger, William F. Hoyt, died from exposure during the night in lifeboat 14 after being pulled from the water. Five others died aboard the Carpathia, leaving 706 total survivors; 1,589 passengers and crew perished.[26][27] If the lifeboats had been filled to capacity, 1,178 people could have been saved. Of the first-class, 201 were saved (60%) and 123 died. Of the second-class, 118 (44%) were saved and 167 were lost. Of the third-class, 181 were saved (25%) and 527 perished. Of the crew, 212 were saved (24%) and 679 perished (Captain Smith, as per naval tradition, went down with his ship). First-class men were four times as likely to survive as second-class men, and twice as likely to survive as third-class men. Nearly every first-class woman survived, compared to 86 percent of those in second class and less than half of those in third class.[22] Of particular note, the entire complement of the 35-member Engineering Staff (25 engineers, 6 electricians, two boilermakers, one plumber, and one writer/engineer's clerk) were lost. The entire ship's orchestra was also lost. Led by violinist Wallace Hartley, they played music on the boat deck of the Titanic that night to calm the passengers. It will probably forever remain unknown what this orchestra selected as their last piece. Based on evidence from various sources some argue it was "Nearer, My God, to Thee" while others say it was "Autumn." The majority of deaths were caused by victims succumbing to hypothermia in the 28 °F (−2 °C) water. It has been suggested that the fact that only 705 people survived when the lifeboats had a capacity of 1,178 people (54% of those on board) could largely be attributed to the women and children first policy, where the psychological effects and resulting loss of efficiency caused the number of people saved to be only 32% of those on board. Had the lifeboats been filled to capacity, all 534 women and children could have been saved, with enough room left over for an additional 644 men.[28]
As the ship sank into the depths, the two sections ended their final plunges very differently. The streamlined bow planed off approximately 2,000 feet (600 m) below the surface and slowed somewhat, landing relatively gently. The stern fell straight down towards the ocean floor, possibly rotating as it sank, with the air trapped inside causing implosions. It was already half-crushed when it hit bottom at high speed; the shock caused everything still loose to fall off. The bow section however, having been opened up by the iceberg and having sunk slowly, had little air left in it as it sank and therefore remained relatively intact during its descent.
03:00 – Lifeboat rescues
Only one lifeboat came back to the scene of the sinking to attempt to rescue survivors. Another boat, Lifeboat #4, did not return to the site but was close by and picked up eight crewmen, two of whom later died aboard the Carpathia. Nearly an hour after the whole of the ship went under, after tying four lifeboats together on the open sea (a difficult task), Lifeboat #14, under the command of Fifth Officer Harold Lowe, went back looking for survivors and rescued four people, one of whom, first-class passenger William Hoyt, died later. Collapsible B floated upside-down all night and began with 30 people. By the time the Carpathia arrived the next morning, 27 remained. Included on this boat were the highest-ranking officer to survive, Charles Lightoller, wireless operator Harold Bride and the chief baker, Charles Joughin. There were some arguments in some of the other lifeboats about going back, but many survivors were afraid of being swamped by people trying to climb into the lifeboat or being pulled down by the anticipated suction from the sinking ship, though this turned out not to be severe. Only 10 survivors were pulled from the water into lifeboats.
04:10 – Carpathia picks up first lifeboat
Almost two and a half hours after the Titanic sank, RMS Carpathia, commanded by Captain Arthur Henry Rostron, arrived first on scene to find the area scattered with icebergs. They started to pick up Titanic's first lifeboat at 04:10. The Titanic was built to hold 32 life boats, but only 20 were on board. Over the next few hours, the remainder of the survivors were rescued. On board the Carpathia, a short prayer service for the rescued and a memorial for the people who lost their lives were held, and at 08:50, Carpathia left for New York, arriving on 18 April. Among the survivors were three dogs brought aboard in the hands of the first-class passengers.
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| Sinking of the RMS Titanic
]]- ↑ "Information from the Thinkquest library". Library.thinkquest.org. 1912-04-14. http://library.thinkquest.org/18626/BIceberg.html. Retrieved 2010-04-27.
- ↑ "Lightoller's testimony on Day 12 of British Board of Trade Inquiry". Titanicinquiry.org. http://www.titanicinquiry.org/BOTInq/BOTInq12Lightoller03.php. Retrieved 2010-04-27.
- ↑ Prints of Poetry - A Gratitude Company. "Titanic Nautical Resource Center – RMS TITANIC ICEBERG FAQ". Titanic-nautical.com. http://www.titanic-nautical.com/RMS-Titanic-Iceberg-FAQ.html. Retrieved 2010-04-27.
- ↑ Harland, John (1984). Seamanship in the age of sail. London: Conway Maritime. pp. 175–176. ISBN 0 85177 179 3. "The transition to 'rudder' orders...did not occur in the United Kingdom...until 1933"
- ↑ titanic.marconigraph.com – STOP Command
- ↑ titanic.marconigraph.com – STOP Command / "Porting Around" Maneuver
- ↑ "Last Log of the Titanic" -Four Revisionist Theories – a "port around" or S-curve manoeuvre in which "the bow is first turned away from the object, then the helm is shifted (turned the other way) to clear the stern"[dead link]
- ↑ titanic.marconigraph.com – STOP Command / "Porting Around" Maneuver “SENATOR BURTON: Do you not think that if the helm had been hard a'starboard the stern would have been up against the berg? QUARTERMASTER GEORGE ROWE: It stands to reason it would, sir, if the helm were hard astarboard.”
- ↑ titanic.marconigraph.com – Fourth Officer Joseph Boxhall reported during the Enquiry that upon arriving on the bridge after the fact...
- ↑ Encyclopedia Titanica http://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/item/1485/
- ↑ Titanic Inquiry Project – United States Senate Inquiry http://www.titanicinquiry.org/USInq/AmInq10Boxhall03.php
- ↑ "titanic-model.com, '''Titanic and the Iceberg''' – By Roy Mengot". Titanic-model.com. 1912-04-14. http://www.titanic-model.com/db/db-02/rm-db-2.html. Retrieved 2010-04-27.
- ↑ "The whole impact had lasted only 10 seconds". Pbs.org. 1912-04-10. http://www.pbs.org/lostliners/titanic.html. Retrieved 2010-04-27.
- ↑ TModel-12sqft-PDF.
- ↑ "interview with Edith Louise Rosenbaum Russell". Youtube.com. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VioW1ReHTa4. Retrieved 2010-04-27.
- ↑ "Interview with Charles Lightoller". Youtube.com. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1borb2_5W0&feature=related. Retrieved 2010-04-27.
- ↑ The Story of the Titanic as Told By Its Survivors; p.198-203
- ↑ "Other Liners | Californian". WebTitanic. 1912-04-14. http://www.webtitanic.net/framecal.html. Retrieved 2010-04-27.
- ↑ sro. "Titanic & Californian". Home.earthlink.net. http://home.earthlink.net/~dnitzer/5Otherships/Samson.html. Retrieved 2010-04-27.
- ↑ Encyclopedia Titanica http://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/item/1821/
- ↑ Encyclopedia Titanica http://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/biography/43/
- ↑ 22.0 22.1 "Titanic Disaster: Official Casualty Figures and Commentary". Anesi.com. 1912-04-15. http://www.anesi.com/titanic.htm. Retrieved 2010-04-27.
- ↑ Encyclopedia Titanica http://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/item/1924/
- ↑ Large fragments of the hull discovered proved that the ship broke into three major sections rather than the previously believed two. However, the full analysis will not be published until 2006. USA Today's report on the hull fragments
- ↑ "Titanic Archive". Titanic.deep-ice.com. 1916-11-21. http://titanic.deep-ice.com/. Retrieved 2010-04-27.
- ↑ United States Senate Inquiry into the Titanic
- ↑ "RMS Titanic: List of Bodies and Disposition of Same". Nova Scotia Archives and Records Management. http://www.gov.ns.ca/nsarm/cap/titanic/. Retrieved 2008-03-03.
- ↑ "Chuck Anesi — Titanic Disaster: Official Casualty Figures with commentary on sex, age, and class variations". Anesi.com. 1912-04-15. http://www.anesi.com/titanic.htm. Retrieved 2010-04-27.
- Lord, Walter. A Night to Remember
- Ruffman, Alan. Titanic Remembered
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